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Issue with Mongoose model.save callback

I am learning Node.js with a book. Instead of coping and using the book sample code as it is I am using the basis and reusing in own code used as learning exercise.

I have this code for a new user creation, I will copy what I believe are the relevant. What I expect to happen is that user.register uses model.register and receive a true or false depending if the user was created or not and sending a response accordly

app.js capture the post

app.post('/user', users.actions.register);

user.js register

var register = function ( req, res ) {
    if ( req.body.username === '' || 
        req.body.email === '' || 
        req.body.password === '' ) {

        //Some field is blank - insufficient information
        console.log('User creation failure: Insufficient data');

    } else {

        var newUser = new models.account.user ({
            username: req.body.username,
            email: req.body.email,
            password: req.body.password

        models.account.register ( newUser, function (succ) {
            console.log (succ);
            if ( succ === true ) {
            } else {

then account.register

var register = function ( newUser ) {
    console.log ('Save command sent.');
    newUser.save ( function ( err ) {
        if (err) {
            return false;
        console.log('User Created');
        return true;

The user gets created on the database, and the output on the console is

Save command sent.
User Created

What I was expecting to happen is that succ receives true or false, but I am doing something wrong and cant figure out why.

I made this code works changing the approach, but since this is a learning experiment for me I wanted to be able to do it this way.

I would appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction or show me what I am doing wrong. Thanks.

models.account.register ( newUser, function (succ) {

you are passing an anonymous function as the second parameter to register . So, register has to accept that and invoke it with the results, like this

var register = function ( newUser, callBackFunction ) { // accept the callback
    console.log ('Save command sent.');
    newUser.save ( function ( err ) {
        if (err) {
            return callBackFunction(false);  // invoke it on failure :(
        console.log('User Created');
        return callBackFunction(true);       // invoke it on Success :)

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