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Javascript: Unable to access public prop from private method

Quick question.

I've been using jQuery (in moderation) for a long time, but I've never really had much experience with "classes" (used loosely).

Here is my test "class", available at http://jsfiddle.net/TxUs2/ .

function MyClass(prop) {
    this.prop = prop;

    var init = function()


var myClass = new MyClass();

I want the init() method to be private. Please could someone briefly explain why I am unable to access a public property from a private method?

I'm assuming it has something to do with 'this' essentially pointing to the method itself from within the method, and not the containing function (or "class"). How do I get around this?

Many thanks in advance.

EDIT: Many thanks for all of your input. All answers were excellent. :)

The problem is that when you invoke init it's being called with no context and therefore this does not refer to an instance of MyClass . You can solve this by saving a reference to this in the constructor, calling init in the context of this or binding init to this :

  • Saving a reference to this :

     function MyClass(prop) { this.prop = prop; var that = this; var init = function() { alert(that.prop); } init(); } 
  • Calling init in the context of this :

  • Binding init to this (which makes every call behave like init.call(this) ):

     var init = function () { alert(this.prop); }.bind(this); init(); 

In your current code, init() is a "free" function. If you call it naturally, within its body this will be set to the global object (or to undefined in strict mode).

You could make it a method by writing:

this.init = function() {


Or you could use call() or apply() to provide the context at call-time:

var init = function() {


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