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Block Older Version of iOS

My application is running in iOS 5,6 and 7. Now I want to block for iOS 5.Application should run in only iOS 6 and 7.so is it possible?If yes then how to do? PLease help me.Thanking you.

You need to set the Deployment target in the build settings to the minimum iOS version you require.

A general guideline is to set:

-Base SDK to latest

-deployment target to the minimum version you support.

Also - check your Info.plist file for the MinimumOSVersion key.

you set your Deployment target to the minimum iOS version you require 在此处输入图片说明

As shown in the apple docs , you can set this as Deployment Target.

Go to your project -> General -> Deployment Target, this works as a minimum deploy version needed to run the app.

You can release a new version with a higher Deployment Target . That will restrict the app so that only users on the version you specify or higher can install the new version of your app.

Users who have already installed the old version your app will continue to be able to use it.

yes it is possible

just change deployment target to the minimum version you support.and Base SDK in Build Setting and something more in info.plist just check it and set your Deployment Target

Tap on the project in the left menu. Then, be sure you're on the project and not on the target and change the iOS Deployment Target to the one you wish.

您需要安装旧的XCode版本(例如4.5或更早版本),因为新的XCode 5仅支持iOS 6.1和iOS 7或更高版本。

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