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Mongo DB Could not connect to a primary node for replica set

This is driving my crazy.

I am starting Mongo in my terminal with:


I am on a OSX mavericks operating system. Mongo is installed, and I have been using it without any issues for quite some time.

Two days ago Mongo worked with no issue. The only change I've made between then and now is I installed Rubymine 6, from Rubymine

This is the error I'm receiving:

> Could not connect to a primary node for replica set
> #<Moped::Cluster:70318211582520 @seeds=[<Moped::Node resolved_address="">]>

It's happening on this line of code:

TempStore.create!(array: array, test_id: id)

and TempStore is a Mongo Model.

I've seen this error before when Mongo wasn't running, or at least a very similar error. However, Mongo is running and I can't find any reason that this error should be happening.

Any thoughts? I am running rails 4.0.0 and ruby 2.0.0.

Please follow the instruction mention in the blog post. link

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