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Adding a cloned git repo to my local repo

I cloned a github repo into my repo (let's say https://github.com/foo/bar.git ) to my local git hepo. After doing git add -A , I see that git only created my_repo/bar/ directory, but didn't add its content ... when I do a push to my github repo, the bar directory is empty. How can I add the content of the bar repo into my repo? PS: I'm not trying to steal someone's code, it's because the entire project has to go together and bar is a dependence.

Git won't track files of another repository inside yours. There are two solutions:

  • Clone the repository and delete the .git directory of the clone repository. The cloned repository will be part of your code, not a local repository anymore. You will not push or pull anything to the other repository.

  • Go with Git submodules . I think it is a better way:

git submodule add https://github.com/foo/bar.git bar_local_dir

Try downloading the source code and copy it to the local git repo . Once you have done this , then push the code with your changes to your github repo.

This is what i interfere from your description.

What you can do (but a submodule is probably a better way) is the following:

  • Clean up the recipient, to minimize clashes (ie, rename files out of the way, ...)
  • Create a new branch for the repository to be integrated, and fetch it's master into it.
  • Merge the new branch into the recipient's master branch

Better experiment on copies, doing this can screw up things badly...

(I did something similar when I squashed notes for two courses into one set of notes. Took me something like a full day until I was convinced nothing had gone missing. Not recommended for everyday use...)

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