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The offline version repl.it


If you're looking to install a way to run a JavaScript REPL on your local machine, you have two options:

  • Open your browser's console as usual. Lack of internet doesn't make it any less JavaScripty.
  • Install NodeJS

If you have a text editor that can run a dos command, you can use CScript.exe, the windows version of a javascript engine. Though beware, that this is not ES5 compatible, and there is no browser object. Writing to stdout can be done using CScript.Echo()

I use TextPad which has a tools configuration, in which you can set the CScript path (find it in your windows system directory).

I wonder why can't you do to create your own REPL instead, you just have to create a new window.open("", "_Jres", "", "false") you can also have window.open("", "_self") to replace the current document.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title>Js Execute</title></head>
    <textarea id="code" rows="10" cols="50">
//write your code here
alert("Clicking OK will write heading 1 in the new window");
document.write("<h1>heading 1</h1>");
    <button onclick="Execute()">Click To execute the above written JS</button>
        function Execute() {
            var win2 = window.open("", "_Jres", "", "false");
            var content = document.getElementById("code");
            var datacode = content.value;
            var hbody = "<script>" + datacode + "</" + "script>";

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