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Creating Custom Scaffolding templates in visual studio 2013

i am new to MVC 5.0 and i am creating an application using MVC 5.0 with entity framework 6.0 and scaffolding templates and controllers . i want to create custom templates using kendo ui grid for example to show the data from my database.

i followed this example : How to create custom scaffold templates in ASP.NET MVC5?

but i did not manage to find out how to create custom views. my new view templates are nowhere and i can not choose them.

i saw that in MVC 4 and older versions it was a different aproach about using or creating custom themes.

can anybody help me about the procces ?

I don't know if this will work in MVC5, but I've had success in MVC3 by adding the templates to my project:

-- CodeTemplates 
    +- AddController
    |  |
    |  +- Controller.tt
    |  -- ControllerWithContext.tt
    -- AddView
       -- CSHTML
          +- Create.tt
          +- Delete.tt
          +- Details.tt
          +- Edit.tt
          +- Empty.tt
          -- List.tt

If this works in MVC5, let me know. Also, putting the templates here makes them available to everyone on the development team, a definite plus for us.

See the Accepted Answer Custom Scaffolding Templates in Visual Studio 2013 for more details.

I had your problem yesterday and I found this link . The below script must insert into T4 template file.

   $(document).ready(function () {
        setTimeout(function () {
                        dataSource: {
                            type: "json",
                            transport: {
                                read: "/GetJsonData"
                            schema: {
                                model: {
                                    fields: {
                            pageSize: 10
                        columns: [{
                                filterable: false

Update: I customize the MVC grid in T4 template for Kendo grid:

        .Columns(columns =>
            <# IEnumerable < PropertyMetadata > properties = ModelMetadata.Properties;
             foreach (PropertyMetadata property in properties)
                 if (property.Scaffold && !property.IsPrimaryKey && !property.IsForeignKey)
                                // We do not want to show any association properties for which there is
                                // no associated foreign key.
                                if (property.IsAssociation && GetRelatedModelMetadata(property) == null)
            columns.Bound(model => model.<#= GetValueExpression(property) #>);
            .columns.Bound(item =>
            .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
                                        .Model(model => model.Id(item => item.objectId))


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