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How to display list returned to strongly typed partial view

I have a form with a lookup. I want to display the results of the lookup in the form so the user can select a result and then it would populate a field on the form (to be submitted with the form). I have a partial view in the form with the search box. That passes a string (pacupc) to the controller. However, I don't know how to display the list that's being return to the partial view. In my controller:

PriceAssociationLookup pacRep = new PriceAssociationLookup();

return PartialView("_PacSearchResultsPartial", pacRep.GetPacs(pacupc));

definition for GetPacs in class:

IEnumerable<IPriceAssociationLookupRepository> IPriceAssociationLookupRepository.GetPacs(string upc)
    using (PortalDataEntities entities = new PortalDataEntities())
        var priceAssociationLookups = (from priceassociationlookup in entities.PriceAssociationLookups
                                       where priceassociationlookup.Upc == upc
                                       select priceassociationlookup).ToList();

        return priceAssociationLookups;


and the partial view the lookup results are being sent to:

@model List<Portal.BusinessModel.Entities.PriceAssociationLookup>
    //How to display the list of results?

You simply loop them like this:

@model List<Portal.BusinessModel.Entities.PriceAssociationLookup>
@foreach(var price in Model)

You can output any of your properties by using the @price.Property notation.

Please note if you are posting the items back you need to use a for loop and index them.

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