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Redirection on direct access to PHP script

I'm building a website that contains a considerable amount of object-oriented PHP code. To keep the code clean, each class is stored in a single file named [classname].class.php and require_once 'd in the script file. Being a form evaluation script, it already has redirections based on the POST variable to prevent dummy execution and database errors.

How do I make it so anyone trying to access the .class.php files gets redirected to the related HTML page, but keep it usable by include and require ?

you can either

  • put it outside the public_html folder
  • deny access/redirect using filename patterns in the .htaccess
  • build a small php code in (the top of every class file) that looks for a variable which is initialised in the index. If it's not there, redirect.

If you need further explanation on any of these, just ask.

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