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PHP blank white page, no errors

I have a PHP page that I developed locally and worked fine. Upon uploading it to a server I now just get a blank white screen? It is the exact same code, works fine locally but doesnt remotely. I have tried setting on error reporting but that still doesn t give me any errors, just a blank white screen.

The code:

    $firstname = $phone = $email = $picture = $sqlcon = "";
    $firstnameErr = $phoneErr = $emailErr = $pictureErr = $sqlErr = $filterErr = "";
    $statusmsg = "";
    $newpicture = $registered = "false";
    if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
        // If the user has not entered a firstname and has not entered details previously
        if ((empty($_POST["firstname"])) && empty($_POST["hfirst"])) {
            $firstnameErr = "Firstname is required for submission";
        else {
            if (!empty($_POST["firstname"])) {
                $firstname = $_POST["firstname"];
            else {
                $firstname = $_POST["hfirst"];
            if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z ]*$/", $firstname)) { 
                $firstnameErr="Please ensure you have entered only characters for your first name";
        // If the user has not entered a phone number and has not entered details previously
        if ((empty($_POST["phone"])) && (empty($_POST["hphone"]))) {
            $phoneErr = "Please ensure you have entered a phone number"; 
        else {
            if (!empty($_POST["phone"])) {
                $phone = $_POST["phone"];
            else {
                $phone = $_POST["hphone"];
            if (!is_numeric($phone)) {
                $phoneErr = "Please ensure you have entered a valid phone number";
        if ((empty($_POST["email"])) && (empty($_POST["hemail"]))) {
            $emailErr = "Please ensure you have entered your email address";
        else {
            if (!empty($_POST["email"])) {
                $email = $_POST["email"];
            else {
                $email = $_POST["hemail"];
            if (!preg_match("/([\w\-]+\@[\w\-]+\.[\w\-]+)/", $email)) {
                $emailErr = "Please ensure you have entered a valid email address";
        if ((empty($_FILES["file"]["name"])) && (empty($_POST["hfile"]))) {
            $pictureErr = "Please ensure you have selected a picture to upload";
        else {
            if (!empty($_FILES["file"]["name"])) {
                if ($_FILES["file"]["size"] > 1048576) {
                        $pictureErr = "The maximum size for a picture is 1mb";
                else {
                    // Ensure the user has selected a file of accepted type
                    $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["file"]["name"]);
                    $ext = end($temp);
                    $allowedExt = array ("gif", "JPEG", "jpg", "png", "JPG");
                    if (!in_array($ext, $allowedExt)) {
                        $pictureErr = "Please ensure you have uploaded an image file";                              
                $newpicture = "true";
                $picture = $_FILES["file"]["name"];
            else {

                $picture = $_POST["hpicture"];
        $sqlcon = mysqli_connect("localhost", "USER", "PASS", "personneldb");
        if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
            $sqlErr = "Could not connect to database";
        if ($newpicture == "true") {
            if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], "./upload/".$_FILES["file"]["name"])) {
                $pictureErr = "File could not be uploaded";
        if ((empty($firstnameErr)) && (empty($emailErr)) && (empty($phoneErr)) && (empty($pictureErr == "")) && (empty($sqlErr == ""))) {
            mysqli_query($sqlcon, "INSERT INTO test2Details(Firstname, Phone, Email, ImageName)
            VALUES ('$firstname', '$phone', '$email', '$picture')");
            // Display status message
            $statusmsg = "Success! Your details and picture have been uploaded and stored"; 

        if ((!empty($firstname)) && (!empty($phone)) && (!empty($email)) && (!empty($picture))) {
            $registered = "true";
        else {
            $registered = "false";

This will enable showing errors in your server, but remember, isn't recommended to use this in production and not in a PHP file, these configuration must be setted in php.ini


For further information you can see:

Things to check:

  • $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] : If you are using another server, this could be the problem, check if this key exists, else, use isset($_POST) instead

  • Database connection?, perhaps some errors with user or pass?

  • Check PHP error logs, if you don't know where are stored then execute this: php -i | grep error_log php -i | grep error_log , should return the path to error log

  • Check server error logs, the logs normally are in /var/log/SERVER (SERVER could be lighttpd, apache, nginx, httpd,... it depends)

Alternatively you can use the ini_set directive and activate error_reporting

I have a PHP page that I developed locally and worked fine. Upon uploading it to a server I now just get a blank white screen? It is the exact same code, works fine locally but doesnt remotely. I have tried setting on error reporting but that still doesn t give me any errors, just a blank white screen.

EDIT ---------- The code:

    $firstname = $phone = $email = $picture = $sqlcon = "";
    $firstnameErr = $phoneErr = $emailErr = $pictureErr = $sqlErr = $filterErr = "";
    $statusmsg = "";
    $newpicture = $registered = "false";

    if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {

        // If the user has not entered a firstname and has not entered details previously
        if ((empty($_POST["firstname"])) && empty($_POST["hfirst"])) {

            $firstnameErr = "Firstname is required for submission";
        else {

            if (!empty($_POST["firstname"])) {

                $firstname = $_POST["firstname"];
            else {

                $firstname = $_POST["hfirst"];

            if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z ]*$/", $firstname)) { 

                $firstnameErr="Please ensure you have entered only characters for your first name";

        // If the user has not entered a phone number and has not entered details previously
        if ((empty($_POST["phone"])) && (empty($_POST["hphone"]))) {

            $phoneErr = "Please ensure you have entered a phone number"; 
        else {

            if (!empty($_POST["phone"])) {

                $phone = $_POST["phone"];
            else {

                $phone = $_POST["hphone"];

            if (!is_numeric($phone)) {

                $phoneErr = "Please ensure you have entered a valid phone number";

        if ((empty($_POST["email"])) && (empty($_POST["hemail"]))) {

            $emailErr = "Please ensure you have entered your email address";
        else {

            if (!empty($_POST["email"])) {

                $email = $_POST["email"];
            else {

                $email = $_POST["hemail"];

            if (!preg_match("/([\w\-]+\@[\w\-]+\.[\w\-]+)/", $email)) {

                $emailErr = "Please ensure you have entered a valid email address";

        if ((empty($_FILES["file"]["name"])) && (empty($_POST["hfile"]))) {

            $pictureErr = "Please ensure you have selected a picture to upload";
        else {

            if (!empty($_FILES["file"]["name"])) {

                if ($_FILES["file"]["size"] > 1048576) {

                        $pictureErr = "The maximum size for a picture is 1mb";
                else {

                    // Ensure the user has selected a file of accepted type
                    $temp = explode(".", $_FILES["file"]["name"]);
                    $ext = end($temp);
                    $allowedExt = array ("gif", "JPEG", "jpg", "png", "JPG");

                    if (!in_array($ext, $allowedExt)) {

                        $pictureErr = "Please ensure you have uploaded an image file";                              


                $newpicture = "true";
                $picture = $_FILES["file"]["name"];

            else {

                $picture = $_POST["hpicture"];

        $sqlcon = mysqli_connect("localhost", "USER", "PASS", "personneldb");

        if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {

            $sqlErr = "Could not connect to database";

        if ($newpicture == "true") {

            if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], "./upload/".$_FILES["file"]["name"])) {

                $pictureErr = "File could not be uploaded";

        if ((empty($firstnameErr)) && (empty($emailErr)) && (empty($phoneErr)) && (empty($pictureErr == "")) && (empty($sqlErr == ""))) {

            mysqli_query($sqlcon, "INSERT INTO test2Details(Firstname, Phone, Email, ImageName)
            VALUES ('$firstname', '$phone', '$email', '$picture')");

            // Display status message
            $statusmsg = "Success! Your details and picture have been uploaded and stored"; 


        if ((!empty($firstname)) && (!empty($phone)) && (!empty($email)) && (!empty($picture))) {

            $registered = "true";
        else {

            $registered = "false";


It means process finished. Everything is fine code has ended no error.

You should do like echo 'You have successfully created' .

The technical post webpages of this site follow the CC BY-SA 4.0 protocol. If you need to reprint, please indicate the site URL or the original address.Any question please contact:yoyou2525@163.com.

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