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How to use belongsTo in Ember

I have these models:

Gmcontrolpanel.Offer = DS.Model.extend({
  idShop: DS.attr('number'),
  name: DS.attr('string'),
  duration: DS.attr('string'),
  optionDuration: DS.attr('number'),

  products: DS.hasMany('product', {embedded: 'always'})

Gmcontrolpanel.Product = DS.Model.extend({
  name: DS.attr('string'),
  description: DS.attr('string'),

  offer: DS.belongsTo('offer')

Now I've understood how hasMany works; but for the belongsTo? How it is supposed to be the server answer for a product to let Ember-data know how to get the parent offer?

This will depend on your request.

In your Offer request, you'll want to include a list of ids for products that it's related to and you'll want to do the opposite for Products , like this:

   "offers": [
             'name':'Offer 1',

       "products": [
                 'name':'Product 1',

You can remove the {embedded: 'always'} from the hasMany . Ember will automatically kick off a request for each of the ids include. Alternatively, you can sideload the products or offers in the request by include all of them in one request, like this;

   "offers": [
             'name':'Offer 1',
   "products": [
             'name':'Product 1',

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