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XDocument LINQ search based on attribute

I have an XML document which I load from the disk

XDocument events = XDocument.Load("Content/GameData/events.xml");

The contents of this xml are the following:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
        <NarrationEvent code="lvl1_fridge">
        I can't even remember when I last ate.
        I am not hungry though.
        <NarrationEvent code="lvl1_tv">
        Why do I even have a TV?
        Oh right, I use it as a screen for my laptop.
        <NarrationEvent code="lvl1_bed">
        Oh man, I am beat.
        <NarrationEvent code="lvl1_computer">
        Oh, look at that. The project has been compiled.





I use this code here supposedly select the appropriate NarrationEvent element, based on its attribute "code"

IEnumerable<XElement> v =
            (from narrationEvent in events.Elements("NarrationEvent")
             where  (string)narrationEvent.Attribute("code") == code
             select narrationEvent);

foreach (XElement page in v)


This returns nothing, my XElement Ienumerable is empty. I used breakpoints and the code value is passed to this method just fine. eg "lvl1_bed"

What is wrong with this code?

You can use the Descendants -Method to get your NarrationEvent-Element. I have updated your code accordingly.

IEnumerable<XElement> v = from narrationEvent in events.Descendants("NarrationEvent")
                          where narrationEvent.Attribute("code").Value == code
                          select narrationEvent;

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