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BackboneJS Magnific Popup not working

I have this Backbone App where I want to use the Magnific Popup for my login. So I created a View

var userTopNavigation = Backbone.View.extend({
        tagName: 'ul',
        className : 'nm',
        template: 'userNavigationItem',
        events: {
            'click .login': 'login',
        login: function(e){
                disableOn: 700,
                type: 'inline',
                removalDelay: 160,
                preloader: false,
                fixedContentPos: false

My HTML-userNavigationItem template looks like:

  <a href="#" class="login">
      <span class="navpptxt">Login</span>

Then on my index.php I placed the popup:

<div id="loginbox" class="white-popup mfp-hide">...some content here...</div>

So I can see that the Magnific popup -script is loaded and the only thing what happens is that when I click the <a href="#" class="login"> - the Modal bagground gets loaded, but not my popup!!?

What could be the issue here? Do i have to place the popup div somewhere else?


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