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ios How to enable video call using Linphone core

I'm using Linphone core to make a callable app. Now I want to enable video call. Can anyone help me figure out all what I need to do it.

you can use tokbox's SDK for server and client side to establish video calling. Have a look over here .

Liblinphone has a C-level API. It's pretty OK documented but it's really hard to find. The very best I can find about placing/receiving/managing calls (both audio and video) is the page: enter link description here

You need this function to enable video:

void linphone_call_params_enable_video (LinphoneCallParams *cp, bool_t enabled)
// cp - LinphoneCallParams object
// enabled - A boolean value telling whether to enable video or not.

Liblinphone is really tricky sometimes. There are several descriptions about video streaming inside the link I posted - check them too. There are not needed for my project - so the only one function I needed to enable video support is the one I posted - but maybe you'll need other functions too.

Hope it'll help someday.

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