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Rails - Devise Gem remove Sign up and Forgot Password modules

I work Rails 4 with Devise gem for User authentication, In my project also working fine with Devise gem. But I want to remove the features of Sign up and Forgot Password modules.

For removing sign_up , In config/routes.rb file using skip option like,

devise :users, :skip => :registration

It removes the sign_up module also truncated path generation . This is fine.

But the same way, if I include this option for Forgot password

devise :users, :skip => :recover   
devise :users, :skip => :recoverable

it won't work. I need to hide both modules in the same way of method.

How to achieve this? Thanks in advance..

I got the answer,

In Devise model class remove the devise :registerable, :recoverable option.

Also do the changes in devise/shared/_link.html.erb by deleting the path generation links of sign_up and forgot_password

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