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How to add UIView to the CorePlot view?

I have a UIView for CorePlot and I want to add UIView under the plot as a subview. I have tried this:

[self.view bringSubviewToFront:_viewTable];

But it doesnt work. How can I make it work?


My Storyboard:


Green - firstPieChartView (CorePlot view)

Red - UIview with tableView

In viewDidLoad:

[self.firstPieChartView addSubview:_viewTable];
  [self.firstPieChartView bringSubviewToFront:_viewTable];

You are bringing the view to front by this, not adding it as a subview. First you have to use:

[self.view addSubview:yourSubview];

--in order to add it. Then you can bring it to front, if you're overlaying it with other subviews.

Do not add subviews to a Core Plot hosting view. The iOS hosting view applies a flip transform to its children so Core Plot can share drawing code with the Mac version. Instead of making your view a subview of the hosting view, make them siblings (ie, children of the same parent view).

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