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Inner XML tag Parsing Using C#

<career code="17-1011.00">
   <tags bright_outlook="false" green="true" apprenticeship="false" />
      <title>Project Architect</title>
      <title>Project Manager</title>
      <title>Architectural Project Manager</title>
   <what_they_do>Plan and design structures, such as private residences, office buildings, theaters, factories, and other structural property.</what_they_do>
      <task>Consult with clients to determine functional or spatial requirements of structures.</task>
      <task>Prepare scale drawings.</task>
      <task>Plan layout of project.</task>

I have taken this XML returned from ONet and would like to parse the information to use. Here is the code that I have written to try and and parse the inner text of the tags under , with the 'input' being the Onet XML.

 XmlDocument inputXML = new XmlDocument();
        XmlElement root = inputXML.DocumentElement;
        XmlNodeList titleList = root.GetElementsByTagName("also_called");
        for (int i = 0; i < titleList.Count; i++)

I am expecting a NodeList of size four. However when I print the result out, the result is a size of 1: "ArchitectProject ArchitectProject ManagerArchitectural Project Manager"

Have I constructed my XMLNodeList titleList wrong? How can I further traverse and process the XML tree to get the inner values of the 'title' tags under 'also_called'?

You get the elements named also_called . There is only one such element in your list. What you probably want is to get the children of the also_called node.

For example:

XmlNodeList also_calledList = root.GetElementsByTagName("also_called");
XmlNode also_calledElement = also_calledList[0];
XmlNodeList titleList = also_calledElement.ChildNodes;

foreach (XmlNode titleNode in titleList)

Also, consider using XDocument and LINQ to XML instead of XmlDocument - it is a lot simpler to use:

XDocument root = XDocument.Parse(input);

foreach (XElement titleNode in root.Descendants("also_called").First().Elements())

You just need a wee bit of XPath. This selects all the title nodes that are children of the first also_called .

        XmlDocument inputXML = new XmlDocument();

        foreach(var node in root.SelectNodes("also_called[1]/title"))

It's rare that you would need to use GetElementsByTagName or ChildNodes and their ilk and/or try to inspect a node in order to figure out if it is the one you want. Navigating Xml with XmlDocument is all about using XPath with which you can specify quite a bit when it comes to getting nodes that meet specific criteria; both in terms of structure within the tree and content.

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