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How to get the current center tile in OpenLayers 3?

I'm trying to find out which is the currently centered tile in OpenLayers 3.

I can get the current position as latitude/longitude with map.getView().getCenter() , and the zoom level as map.getView().getZoom() .

Am I supposed to convert this to map tiles manually, or does OpenLayers 3 provide a functionality to easily calculate the correct tile x/y indices (the one in which the center lat/lon is located), or am I supposed to calculate this by myself?


center =  ol.proj.transform(center, 'EPSG:900913', 'EPSG:4326');

Given a ol3 tile source, you can get the TileGrid by source.getTileGrid() .

Then use the getTileCoordForCoordAndResolution method, to get the tile coordinates from a given map coordinate and resolution.

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