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Run a custom rake task on rails

I am trying to make a custom rake task, but I cannot seem to get it working. My code looks like this:

namespace :demotask do

  desc "display the current environment of rake"
  task :current_environment => :environment do
    puts "You are running rake task in #{Rails.env} environment"


and is placed in a file named test.rake under lib/tasks . The Rakefile is there, but I do get this error when running the task in the console:

NameError: undefined local variable or method 'current_environment' for main:Object

I tried to restart the server as well.

You should use the namespace to call it from the terminal, and probably it's a good idea to use bundler :

bundle exec rake demotask:current_environment

Also, try to change task definition to:

task :current_environment => :environment do

Including => :environment will tell Rake to load the full application environment.

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