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!important inline styles in react

It's there a way to add inline styles with the?important override?

  height: 20+'!important'

<div style={style}></div>

This isn't working as I would have hoped.

Apparently React does not support this. But i got this hack as i did my research

    <div ref={(node) => {
      if (node) {
        node.style.setProperty("float", "right", "important");

Good luck:)

20+'!important' is '20!important' .

When you just give a number, react adds "px" for you; but you're using a string, so you have to specify the unit. Also I'm pretty sure there needs to be a space between "!important" and whatever's to the left of it.

style={{ height: '20px !important' }};

A good trick to use which is cleaner and more consistent for other CSS properties:

ref={(el) => el && el.style.setProperty(<property>, <value>, "important")}

Hope this helps!

This is the only way I could get it to work with React 16.

const id="unique_id"; 
#${id} {
  background-color: transparent !important;
    <Frame id={id} />

I recommend using styled components , if you have a good reason to make use of !important , as the style props do not support !important and probably won't in the future.

Here is an example where we overwrite Semantic-UI's padding on grid columns . You can actually leave out the !important as " bumping up the specifity " is sufficient.

const StyledColumn = styled.div(({size}) => ({className: `${size} wide column`})`
    &&&&& {
        padding-top: 0.3rem !important;
        padding-bottom: 0.3rem !important;
<StyledColumn size="three"></StyledColumn>

&&&&&& <- bumps up specifity.

Yeah the way I found to do this was that already mentioned above:

const styles = (theme: any) => ({
    panelSize: {
        height: 480,
        width: 360,
    progress: {
        height: '120px !important', 
        margin: theme.spacing.unit * 2,
        width: '120px !important'

This is originally answered by Daniel above. I just want to share my answer as I refactor his answer to work with hooks.

  1. Define ref const ref = useRef(null);
  2. Add ref to your desired node (ex. div, table) <div ref={ref}></div>
  3. Add this code ref.current.style.setProperty(<property>, <value>, "important") inside useLayoutEffect

Please see the sample codes below

import React, { useRef, useLayoutEffect } from "react";

const SampleComponent = () => {

   const ref = useRef(null);

   useLayoutEffect(() => {
    ref.current.style.setProperty("border-top", "0px", "important");
  }, []);

   return (
      <div ref={ref}>
         {/* additional codes here */}


  • property is in CSS format (ex. "border-top" )

I try the suggestions above for width, but could not get it to work.

This is what work for me, I created style.css file, and added in my case, width: 100% !important to a class, and then just import this file into my component, and call this class, and it work.

There is another cleaner way mentioned in material Ui documentation which can be used with react to override the default behavior

1- Declare a constant variable for style

const widthStyle = {

2- Use it with JSX for inline style

<div style={widthStyle}></div>

a slite improvment with modern syntax to make code shorter:

<div ref={(node) => 
        node?.style.setProperty("float", "right", "important")

I solved it with setting className prop

.height {
    height: 20px !important;

className={ styles.height }

I was able to resolve it by doing something like this:

  height: `20px ${" !important"}`

<div style={style}></div>

I had to add the space before ".important" because the browser kept removing that space when running the program.

It's there a way to add inline styles with the !important override?

  height: 20+'!important'

<div style={style}></div>

This isn't working as I would have hoped.

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