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Render view from another view : controller not called

I'm developing a litte blog like application and at the moment I'm facing a problem that I can't resolve.

I have 2 models at the moment :
1. Post
2. Comment

I can already manage my posts without difficulties but I have some problems with comments. I chose to make a relation has_many / belongs_to between my post and my comment models. I'd like to display all the comments related to a post when the user is on the post's page. My erb looks like this :

#some code
#render the comments
<%= render :template => "comments/index", :locals => {:post_id => @post.id} %>

My problem here is that the method index from my CommentsController is never called. I put some puts in the index method and they are never displayed in the console.

Should I use another tag to render the view ? Is there another way to do this ?

Thanks in advance for your help.

If the post view is the only page to show comments, you don't have to call comments/index to get comments, just show comments when rendering the post view, for example

In your post view

#some code
# render comments
<% @post.comments.each do |c| %>
  <%= c.content%>
  # ...
<% end %>

Or put them in a partial with a post parameter if comments are used in many views

In app/views/partials/_comments.html.erb

# render comments
<% post.comments.each do |c| %>
  <%= c.content%>
  # ...
<% end %>

and render this partial where you want to show comments:

#some code
# render comments
<%= render partial: "partials/comments", locals: { post: @post } %>

Using comments/index to get comments and showing them in a view is more likely the frondend tech such as Javascript/AJAX to load page parts dynamically. In this case, the comments/index is more likely an API call(render a JSON format instead of a html view).

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