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Laravel get route with parameter in view

I need to get the route in my view for redirecting.

Right now I'm doing this:
Laravel 4 - Get Current Route Name on Hidden Input to use for search

{{ Form::hidden('route', Route::current()->getUri()) }}  

Problem is, it looks like this when I get on a page with an id:

<input name="route" type="hidden" value="recipes/details/{id}">  

How can I parse the {id} variable?

You should use:


Instead of Route::current()->getUri() , but it's not proper way to redirect from the View , you should redirect from your Controller instead.

It should be in your case (for full url):

 // 'http://example.com/recipes/details/10'
{{ Form::hidden('route', Request::url()) }}

or use this (only for path):

 // 'recipes/details/10'
{{ Form::hidden('route', Request::path()) }}

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