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VBA Macro not working in Excel

Ok guys, so I had a bit of trouble with my first post regarding this problem and I had received a ton of help. However we are still running into some trouble.

What I am trying to do: I have 4 listboxes on 4 different sheets. The list boxes are looking at a column that has a list of items. The Items where the listboxes are referencing have sub items. I want the list box (when clicking the item inside the listbox), to show the sub items in text boxes that I have on the sheet. I had some code that worked in the beginning, however, when I try to use it on multiple sheets it does not work.

The first block of code is what I was originally using, but I came on here and had some help that gave me the last 2 blocks of code; that should be working but are not.

Sub ListBox1_Change()
Dim idx As Long

    If idx <> -1 Then
        idx = Sheets("sheet1").Shapes("TextBox 1").OLEFormat.Object.ListIndex
        Sheets("sheet1").Shapes("TextBox 1").OLEFormat.Object.Text =   Sheets("sheet1").Range("Q" & idx + 1).Value
    End If

End Sub

This block of code is specific to each sheet. There are about 30 total text boxes that I will be referencing on each sheet. So in actuality the below will have 30 items.

Sub ListBox1_Change()
    Handle_Change Me, "ListBox1", "Texbox1(sub-item)", "W"
    Handle_Change Me, "ListBox1", "Texbox2(sub-item)", "X"
    Handle_Change Me, "ListBox1", "Texbox3(sub-item)", "Y"
    Handle_Change Me, "ListBox1", "Texbox4(sub-item)", "Z"
    Handle_Change Me, "ListBox1", "Texbox5(sub-item)", "AA"
    Handle_Change Me, "ListBox1", "Texbox6(sub-item)", "AB"
End Sub 

This is code that stay in the VBA Module

Sub Handle_Change(sht As Worksheet, lbName, tbName, colAddr)

    Dim idx As Long, lb   As msforms.ListBox

    Set lb = sht.Shapes(lbName).OLEFormat.Object.Object

    idx = lb.ListIndex
    If idx <> -1 Then
        sht.Shapes(tbName).OLEFormat.Object.Object.Text = _
                         sht.Range(colAddr & idx + 1).Value
    End If

End Sub

When I try to run it with the new code (last 2 blocks above) I get an error that says: "Compile error: User-defined type not defined" and highlights the second line of code on the Handle_change ", lb As msforms.Listbox".

Thanks for your time,

Good day

OK - I think this is what you need.

This goes in the worksheet code module: you need on event handler per listbox.

Sub ListBox1_Change()
    Handle_Change Me, "ListBox1", _
       Array("Textbox1", "Textbox2", "Textbox3", "Textbox4"), _
       Array("B", "C", "D", "E")

End Sub

In a regular module:

'### This code goes in a regular VBA Module ###
' sht        = sheet hostong the controls
' lbName     = name of listbox on that sheet
' arrTbName  = array of textbox names
' arrColAddr = array of column source addresses, matching order
'                of the values in arrTbName
Sub Handle_Change(sht As Worksheet, lbName, arrTbName, arrColAddr)

    Dim idx As Long, lb   As msforms.ListBox, i As Long

    Set lb = sht.Shapes(lbName).OLEFormat.Object.Object

    idx = lb.ListIndex
    If idx <> -1 Then
        'loop through the textbox and column arrays, setting each pair
        For i = LBound(arrTbName) To UBound(arrTbName)
            sht.Shapes(arrTbName(i)).OLEFormat.Object.Object.Text = _
                    sht.Range(arrColAddr(i) & idx + 1).Value
        Next i
    End If

End Sub

Sample file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15526711/Listboxes.xlsm

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