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Sending a string/result from JS to HTML-page

I'm working on a simple rock, paper, scissors game of HTML + JS.

Here are the full codes (CSS, JS, HTML): http://jsfiddle.net/fJw4R/ (too long to past here I thought). Here you can see it with pictures: http://shinebrightmedia.se/rps/rockpaperscissors.html

As you can see, the .math-module works, and when you choose rock, paper or scissor the computer randomizes a choice.

However, I now would like to have a textstring underneath the computer/monitor, and I'm wondering what the easiest way to do that. I want it to either say YOU WIN! or YOU LOSE!

I started on a function looking like this:

function theWinnerIs(userChoice, computerChoice) {

    if (userChoice === computerChoice ) {
        return 'No winner, it is a draw';

    if ((userChoice === 'rock') && (computerChoice === 'scissor')) {
        return 'human';
    if ((userChoice === 'rock') && (computerChoice === 'paper')) {
        return 'computer';

    if ((userChoice === 'paper') && (computerChoice === 'scissor')) {
        return 'computer';
    if ((userChoice === 'paper') && (computerChoice === 'rock')) {
        return 'human';

    if ((userChoice === 'scissor') && (computerChoice === 'rock')) {
        return 'computer';
    if ((userChoice === 'scissor') && (computerChoice === 'paper')) {
        return 'human';


What is the easiest way to send the return to the index-file? ie. YOU WIN! or YOU LOSE!

Thanks for any help.

No need to use this block of if s - here's very compact alternative:

var choices = { rock: -1, paper: 0, scissors: 1 };
var score   = choices[userChoice] - choices[computerChoice];
score       = score - (score/2|0) * 3;

... which will give you -1 if user loses the round, 1 if they win, 0 in case of draw.

Now you can just send the output to any prepared container by filling its innerHTML property:

var results = {
  '-1': 'YOU LOSE',
   '1': 'YOU WIN',
   '0': 'IT\'S A DRAW'   
var resultContainer = document.getElementById('result');
resultContainer.innerHTML = results[score];

Here's a small demo to illustrate both those concepts.

From what I understand, you would like to display some text depending on the outcome of your "theWinnerIs" method. I would suggest you create a div on your page and set its content with JavaScript. There are numerous ways to accomplish your goal, however.

So you want to add a div to your page, something like <div id="output"></div> . You can then update the text here with the following

var outputElement = document.getElementById("output");
outputElement.innerHTML = theWinnerIs(userChoice, computerChoice);

Here's an updated version of your code for perspective, though raina77ow's solution is much nicer.

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