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Win8/XAML Sort CollectionViewSource

I am trying to sort my CollectionViewSource. I have tried SortDescriptions, , however it gives an unknown member error(even after adding references)


<common:BooleanToVisibilityConverter x:Key="BooleanToVisibilityConverter"/>

        Collection of grouped items displayed by this page, bound to a set
        of the complete item list because items in groups cannot be virtualized
    <!--Replace d:Source... with the following to obtain data from the actual Azure Service-->
    <!--Source="{Binding ItemGroups, Source={d:DesignInstance IsDesignTimeCreatable=True, Type=ViewModels:ItemsShowcaseViewModel}}"-->
        Source="{Binding ItemGroups}"
        d:Source="{Binding ItemGroups, Source={d:DesignInstance IsDesignTimeCreatable=True, Type=sampleData:ItemsShowcaseSampleData}}" IsSourceGrouped="True" 



Sorting isn't built into CollectionViewSource in WinRT/XAML. You need to sort your data in your data/view-model.

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