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How to Execute two services sequential using c# automation framework(Using technologies C#, NUnit, Specflow)

I have two automation projects in c#, which includes two services automation scenarios. 1. Export Service: it generates files that need to be translated by other service. 2. Translation Service : it will translate files generated by above service.

I need help how I can run test scenarios of both services sequentially means export services scenarios will execute first then after Translation Service scenarios will execute. Please help on this . Thanks In advance.

You can use ChannelFactory class and synchronous calls:

    public static void MakeSequentialCalls1()
        var fact = new ChannelFactory<IFileProcessor>("processorEndpoint");
        var processorProxy = fact.CreateChannel();

        var fact2 = new ChannelFactory<IFileTranslator>("translatorEndpoint");
        var translatorProxy = fact2.CreateChannel();

        var file = processorProxy.GetFile();
        var translatedFile = translatorProxy.Translate(file, "En");




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