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How do I force a WP_Image_Editor.resize to stretch my image if needed?

When I call the function WP_Image_Editor->resize(...) and the image's height is too small, it ignores the height I pass in. For example:

//This image is 300 x 225
$image = wp_get_image_editor( "/var/www/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/test.jpg" );

//I tell it to resize to 290 x 290
$image->resize( 290, 290 ); //Passing "true" to crop doesn't help)

//It saves, but as 290 x 225!
$image->save( "/var/www/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/test-22.jpg" );

How do I make it stretch to the proper size and ratio?

EDIT Here is what's returned by each function call above:

//var_dump of wp_get_image_editor( $myImagePath );
object(WP_Image_Editor_Imagick)#109 (6) {
    object(Imagick)#108 (0) {
    string(65) "/var/www/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/test.jpg"
    array(2) {
    string(10) "image/jpeg"
    string(10) "image/jpeg"

//var_dump of $image->resize( 290, 290 );

//var_dump of $image->save( "/var/www/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/test-22.jpg" );
array(5) {
    string(68) "/var/www/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/test-22.jpg"
    string(11) "test-22.jpg"
    string(10) "image/jpeg"

Try adding a filename into your $image->save(); call.

If you refer to the docs [1] you can see they pass in a new filename.

[1] http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_get_image_editor

WordPress has a built-in limit that comes from the image_resize_dimensions function (in wp-includes/media.php).

// Stop if the destination size is larger than the original image dimensions.

There's a filter, though, called image_resize_dimensions which you can use like so:

add_filter( 'image_resize_dimensions', function( $output, $orig_w, $orig_h, $dest_w, $dest_h, $crop ) {
    return array( 0, 0, 0, 0, $dest_w, $dest_h, $orig_w, $orig_h );
}, 10, 6 );

The above will ignore aspect ratios and whatnot and just return what you asked for and results in stretched images. Be careful.

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