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Argument Error for Date.new

I wrote this code:

[1,2,3,4].each do |f|
    @date = Date.new(2014,f * 3,1)
    @begin = @date.beginning_of_quarter
    @end = @date.end_of_quarter

    puts  f + " Quartal von " + @begin + " bis " + @end

Somehow i get the error:

 DateTest.rb:2:in `initialize': wrong number of arguments (3 for 0) (ArgumentError)
    from DateTest.rb:2:in `new'
    from DateTest.rb:2:in `block in <main>'
    from DateTest.rb:1:in `each'
    from DateTest.rb:1:in `<main>'

What did i wrong? Thanks!

You passed three arguments to the original Date.new , which does not take any argument. The one that takes arguments is the one overwritten by the "date" library. In order to use it, you need to do

require "date"

use DateTime instead of Date to initialize it with the parameters. Check the API. Date & DateTime

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