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Wordpress copy of Google Sites

I have a google site https://sites.google.com/site/shahriarinia/ and I want to build its equivalent in wordpress. Features are:

  1. Have 100+ pages in website that are organized in a hierarchical manner.
  2. Have a side bar navigation of the whole website in tree form (this is the ONLY reason I loved google sites)
  3. be able to attach a file to a page (This is not too critical but if possible that's highly appreciated.)

To all WP gurus: how can I do this? which plugins/themes shall I use? I don't care if I have a blog there, having a blog is the least priority. I am the only user of the site, so there is no roles or other users using stuff.

Something like CMS Tree Page View but not for admin purposes but for the actual site.


You can have a hierarchical manner , you can build a bar navigation. Look your Option Menu and look " Manage Sites" If you want to attach File on a page , look your "Option Menu" or press "m" and look page Settings and Allow attachments.

For you bar Navigation , Menu option and " edit site layour".

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