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Ajax tool kit Calendar Extender Limit Year selection

I am using Ajax tool kit calendar extender control, I want to limit the year selection from 1900 to current year only. I have seen here Year Limit to use StartDate and EndDate But when in code behind I am writing


its giving error

'AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarExtender' does not contain a definition for 'StartDate' and no extension method 'StartDate' accepting a first argument of type 'AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarExtender' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Even in designer I checked in properties window,there is no such property exists for this control

尝试让Ajax控件toolkit..The 开始新版本日期结束日期性能的版本中引入的2011年9月后..我已经得到双方开始在日历扩展日期和结束日期的属性..

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