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How to check if a folder exists before creating it in laravel?

I need to know if a folder exists before creating it, this is because I store pictures inside and I fear that the pictures are deleted if overwrite the folder. The code I have to create a folder is as follows

$path = public_path().'/images';
File::makeDirectory($path, $mode = 0777, true, true);

how can I do it?

See: file_exists()


if (!file_exists($path)) {
    // path does not exist

In Laravel:

if(!File::exists($path)) {
    // path does not exist

Note: In Laravel $path start from public folder, so if you want to check 'public/assets' folder the $path = 'assets'

With Laravel you can use:

$path = public_path().'/images';
File::isDirectory($path) or File::makeDirectory($path, 0777, true, true);

By the way, you can also put subfolders as argument in a Laravel path helper function, just like this:

$path = public_path('images/');

You can also call this method of File facade:


which creates a folder if it does not exist and if exists, then does nothing

In Laravel 5.x/6 you can do it with Storage Facade :

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;

$path = "path/to/folder/";


Way -1 :

if(!is_dir($backupLoc)) {

    mkdir($backupLoc, 0755, true);

Way -2 :

if (!file_exists($backupLoc)) {

    mkdir($backupLoc, 0755, true);

Way -3 :

if(!File::exists($backupLoc)) {

    File::makeDirectory($backupLoc, 0755, true, true);

Do not forget to use use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;

Way -4 :

if(!File::exists($backupLoc)) {

    Storage::makeDirectory($backupLoc, 0755, true, true);

In this way you have to put the configuration first in config folder filesystems.php . [Not recommended unless you are using external disks]

The recommended way is to use

if (!File::exists($path))


See the source code

If you look at the code, it's calling file_exists()

I normally create random folders inside the images for each file this helps a bit in encrypting urls and thus public will find it hardr to view your files by simply typing the url to your directory.

// Check if Logo is uploaded and file in random folder name -  
if (Input::hasFile('whatever_logo'))
                $destinationPath = 'uploads/images/' .str_random(8).'/';
                $file = Input::file('whatever_logo');
                $filename = $file->getClientOriginalName();                
                $file->move($destinationPath, $filename);
                $savedPath = $destinationPath . $filename;
                $this->whatever->logo = $savedPath;

            // otherwise NULL the logo field in DB table.
                $this->whatever->logo = NULL;    

This is what works great for me

    File::makeDirectory($storageDir, 0755, true, true);

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