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Using VBA, how to highlight a value that is in a list in one column on one sheet if the value exists in range on a different sheet

I have a list of ids in one column on Sheet "A". On sheet "B" i have these ids spread out in a table (a range). How do i search through the range to see if each value listed on sheet A exists on Sheet B? I'm wanting to make sure that all values in the one column on Sheet A exist on Sheet B. This macro is supposed to check and Highlight the values that do exist. Thus, any values that dont exist will not be highlighted and i can easily address. Currently we are manually updating but i need it to be dynamic with as many changes as we are making.

Below is what i have tried so far but am getting a "Next without For" error. i've coded in vba but its been a LONG time. Any help is appreciated. Btw, i didnt really care about the color until i get it working so i just picked a number.

Sub CaseIdCheck()

    Dim i, j, x As Integer
    Dim intValueToFind, testCaseId, tciPass1, tciPass2 As String
    Dim range1, range2 As Range

    range1 = Application.GotoActiveWorkbook.Sheets("B").Range("C4:U50")
    range2 = Application.GotoActiveWorkbook.Sheets("A").Range("i3:i145")

    For x = 1 To ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("A").CountA(Columns(9))
    If Cells(x, 9).Value <> Null Then
       testCaseId = Sheets("A").Cells(x, 9).Value

        For i = 1 To 100
            For j = 1 To 100
                If Sheets("B").Cells(i, j).Value = testCaseId Then
                    Sheets("A").Cells(x, 9).Interior.ColorIndex = 36
            Next j
        Next i

                End If
    Next x
    MsgBox ("end")
End Sub

Does this need to be VBA? You can do this with a named range and conditional highlighting.

Create a new named range (we'll call it rngCheck ) that is defined with this named range formula:


Then apply this conditional format to sheet "A" column I:


And select the desired color (the RGB of ColorIndex 36 is R 255, G 255, B153)

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