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Jquery not working in Coffeescript function Rails

I'm new to coffee script, so forgive me if this is a simple problem.

I'm trying to make a simple class change when a specific view is loaded in Rails. Specifically I want to run:


In my coffee script, I have the following:

class MyApp.Sessions extends MyApp.Base
  constructor:() ->
    super  # call Base class for core functionality
    this   # and be sure to return this

  index:() -> 
    $ -> 

but the resulting javascript ends up placing my Jquery command outside of the function:

Sessions.prototype.index = function() {
  return $(function() {});


Any ideas?

This seems really complicated. If you only want to set a class when a page is loaded, then the answer depends on if you're using Turbolinks from Rails 4.

With turbolinks, you could just hook into the page:load event like

document.on 'page:load', () ->
  $('#mydiv').addClass 'active'

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