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Pandas filter rows based on multiple conditions

I have some values in the risk column that are neither, Small , Medium or High . I want to delete the rows with the value not being Small , Medium and High . I tried the following:

df = df[(df.risk == "Small") | (df.risk == "Medium") | (df.risk == "High")]

But this returns an empty DataFrame. How can I filter them correctly?

I think you want:

df = df[(df.risk.isin(["Small","Medium","High"]))]


In [5]:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'risk':['Small','High','Medium','Negligible', 'Very High']})


0       Small
1        High
2      Medium
3  Negligible
4   Very High

[5 rows x 1 columns]

In [6]:



0   Small
1    High
2  Medium

[3 rows x 1 columns]

You could also use query :

df.query('risk in ["Small","Medium","High"]')

You can refer to variables in the environment by prefixing them with @ . For example:

lst = ["Small","Medium","High"]
df.query("risk in @lst")

If the column name is multiple words, eg "risk factor" , you can refer to it by surrounding it with backticks ` ` :

df.query('`risk factor` in @lst')

query method comes in handy if you need to chain multiple conditions. For example, the outcome of the following filter:

df[df['risk factor'].isin(lst) & (df['value']**2 > 2) & (df['value']**2 < 5)]

can be derived using the following expression:

df.query('`risk factor` in @lst and 2 < value**2 < 5')

Another nice and readable approach is the following:

small_risk = df["risk"] == "Small"
medium_risk = df["risk"] == "Medium"
high_risk = df["risk"] == "High"

Then you can use it like this:

df[small_risk | medium_risk | high_risk]


df[small_risk & medium_risk]

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