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Doing git svn rebase after using git-subtree


We are moving from Git to SVN using git-svn .

We have a single SVN repository with a large directory tree. A project links to other subprojects using relative paths. The simplified example below has a MainProject that is dependent on SharedProject1 and SharedProject2

└── trunk
    ├── MainProject 
    ├── SharedProject1
    └── SharedProject2

Moving over to Git, we will have one repository per project. We will handle dependencies using git-subtree . So the structure for the MainProject repository would look like:

└── Depend
    ├── SharedProject1
    └── SharedProject2

How the git -> svn move is performed

Each project is cloned to Git repositories using:

git svn clone http://server/svn --trunk="trunk/MainProject" MainProject
git svn clone http://server/svn --trunk="trunk/SharedProject1" SharedProject1
git svn clone http://server/svn --trunk="trunk/SharedProject2" SharedProject2

In the MainProject we add the SharedProject's with git-subtree:

git subtree add --prefix "Depend/SharedProject1" path/to/SharedProject1 master --squash
git subtree add --prefix "Depend/SharedProject2" path/to/SharedProject2 master --squash

After changing the links in MainProject, everything works fine!

The problem with git svn rebase

When some of our developers updates the MainProject in the SVN repository, I want to add the changes to the Git repository for MainProject using:

git svn rebase

But I get the following error:

First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
Applying: Squashed 'Depend/SharedProject1/' content from commit fdabd7b
Applying: Squashed 'Depend/SharedProject2/' content from commit 38e8c6f
Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge...
Auto-merging Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
Failed to merge in the changes.
Patch failed at 0002 Squashed 'Depend/SharedProject2/' content from commit 38e8c6f
rebase refs/remotes/trunk: command returned error: 1

Both SharedProject1 and SharedProject2 (but not MainProject ) has a file Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs that git seems to try to merge even though they are not in the same folder.

What am I doing wrong, and how can I get it to work properly?

I have another problem, may be related to your problem (yes, after years has passed). On my side the git svn rebase tries to rebase the root of a subree directly into the root of the main project (as there was no --prefix for the subree or it does ignore it).

That happens after these steps:

  1. I try to pull the root and gain the error:


From https://...
 ! [rejected]        trunk      -> master  (non-fast-forward)
 + 834b7b2...794c965 trunk      -> origin/trunk  (forced update)
  1. I try to fix previous error by removing this: .git\\svn\\refs\\remotes\\origin\\trunk and refetching the svn: git svn fetch (this fix basically works)
  2. After the git svn rebase the main project root is messed up and contains the root of a subtree.

Seems in your case you have 2 subtrees, where the git tries to merge a file to the same directory (main project root) twice.

I don't know why, but seems git-svn somehow either misses information about subtree prefixes or does not take it into account.

To fix that i have to call git push origin master:trunk before the git svn rebase .

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