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Send additional data to the server with ember-data

I've to save a new message onto the server and also send additional data to it
I've the following code

App.Message = DS.Model.extend({
    body: DS.attr('string'),
    messagethread_id: DS.attr('number')

// in controller

var msg = this.store.createRecord('message', {
    body: messageBody,
    messagethread_id: thread.id,
    token: this.get('token')


As you can see the token isn't defined on the model so it isn't sent to the server. I need to send it but I don't need to retrieve that in any situation.

thanks in advance

The simplest thing: why don't you define also token in your model? Then you manage it server-side; for example when the token is not needed, you set it to null; in the server you can check if it is null or not; of course then your server will have to answer to GET request also with the token attribute (but you simply set it to null too);

or you can define two different models: a Message Model and a MessageWithToken Model; and then use the first one or the last one depending if you need to send token or not; also in this case you will have to manage things in your server.

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