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Mocking private scope identifier with eval

While programming a server application for multiplayer games, I got an idea for cleaning up my code a bit.

I'm heavily using the Module Pattern for my application and use a convention for calling exposed functions public[Function name] and privates private[Function name] . The public prefix helps in the return assignment:

return {
    get : publicGet

But the private identifier names are just for show and make calling them a bit cumbersome. However, completely removing the private prefix makes the code a bit less readable. So I thought of using the reserved private keyword as you would in, for example, Java.

For doing this I thought I could use eval like this:

var private = eval('') // Just an empty assignment so it does nothing.

So I can write my private function like this:

private function initiateGameMatchmaker(game) {
    // Code...

Instead of:

function privateInitiateGameMatchmaker(game) {
    // Code...

Would this be acceptable or do you regard this as a filthy hack and thus as a definite no-no?

Acceptable or not, it won't work.

private will be undefined , and private function foo(){} will throw a SyntaxError: Unexpected token function .

Don't try to mold JavaScript into the conventions of a language it's not.

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