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submitting form with jQuery/AJAX, cant stop page from refreshing on submit?

I'm having trouble getting my AJAX form to POST to my PHP Script without refreshing the page.

I have added e.preventDefault() both before and after the AJAX request but it doesn't appear to have any affect, which seems strange.

Here's my javascript:

// AJAX form submit
$("form[name=signoutRequestForm]").on("submit", function(e){

    var cval = confirm.val().toLowerCase().replace(" ", "");
    if( cval !== "yes"  ) {
        alert("You must accept the borrowing policy.");
        var formData = {
            validForm: true,
            name_txt: name.val(),
            productName_sel: prodName.val(),
            signoutDateStart_txt: startDate.val(),
            signoutDateEnd_txt: returnDate.val(),
            additionalNotes_txtarea: addNotes.val(),
            disclaimer_txt: confirm.val(),
            recaptcha_challenge_field: recap_challenge.val(),
            recaptcha_response_field: recap_response.val(),
            studentUse: studentUse.val()

            type: "POST",
            ulr: confLocation,
            data: formData,
            done: function(data){
                $(".signout-form-container").html( data );

Right now, when I hit submit, the page just appears to refresh without the form ever actually submitting.

From the comments, it was determined that the call to .on() was resulting in an exception ( TypeError: undefined is not a function ) and that you are using jQuery v1.5.2.

.on() was not added until version 1.7. For older versions, .bind() should be used instead.

just use return false

    return false

Use return false; instead of e.preventDefault()

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