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Github as Source Version Control setup

  • I plugged Visual Studio's extension for Git
  • I installed Git on my PC
  • I created account on GitHub

I don't know how to merge my local repository with my GitHub account or can i use GitHub as repository for my project, so as soon as i commit my code in Visual Studio, it will be updated on my account?

You can declare a new GitHub repo, and clone it:


(Look for the section "Clone a third-party Git repository to your dev machine" in " Create, Connect, and Publish using Visual Studio with Git ")

Then you can do local commits, before pushing when ready.

The idea is not to push "as soon as I commit my code in Visual Studio": it is a distributed version control tool: everything is local, allowing you to create, move, delete commits at will, until you estimate that you want to publish your local history (here: push your commits back to GitHub).

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