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How to set multiple cookies in Zend Framework 2

What's the easiest way to set 3 cookies in a controller action using Zend Framework 2?

I tried using php's setcookie function to set multiple cookies..

$domainName = '.something.com';
$expirationTime = 2592000 + time();
setcookie("cookie1", "abc", $expirationTime, '/', $domainName);
setcookie("cookie2", "def", $expirationTime, '/', $domainName);
setcookie("cookie3", "ghi", $expirationTime, '/', $domainName);

However, it seems to set only the last cookie, which is cookie3. So, I am wondering if Zend framework 2 has a way to set multiple cookies like the above?


Use zend framework 2 manual

$domainName = '.something.com';
$expirationTime = 2592000 + time();    
$cookie1 = new Zend\Http\Cookie('cookie1',
$cookie2 = new Zend\Http\Cookie('cookie1',
$cookie3 = new Zend\Http\Cookie('cookie1',

Something like this.

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