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list all the files from s3 using aws-sdk gem

I have a following scenario. Consider in my case aws s3 folder structure is as follows

- videos
  - my_videos
    - college

I have uploaded video file say myfirst_day.mp4 in the college , for this related formed key is "videos/my_videos/college/myfirst_day.mp4"

Now I have to list all the files from the videos/my_videos/college directory. How can I do it.

For this I am using aws-sdk gem

You can simple iterate over bucket objects and use the with_prefix method

s3.buckets[YOUR BUCKET NAME].objects.with_prefix('videos/my_videos/college').each.collect(&:key)
#=> ["videos/my_videos/college/myfirst_day.mp4"]

OR use the as_tree method

s3.buckets[YOUR BUCKET NAME].as_tree(prefix:'videos/my_videos/college').select(&:leaf?).collect(&:key)
 #=> ['videos/my_videos/college/myfirst_day.mp4']

Obviously these are fictional since I have no access to your bucket but take a look at ObjectCollection and Tree for more methods in the AWSSDK .

There are quite a few methods for bucket traversal available such as Tree responds to children which will list both LeafNode s (File) and BranchNode s (Directory). BranchNode s will then also respond to children so you can make this recursive if needed.

To get the suffix (eg just the filename) you could possibly patch these in.

class LeafNode
  def suffix
class S3Object
  def suffix

I have not fully tested these in any way but they should work for returning just the file name itself if it is nested inside a branch.

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