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windows batch script: copy command issue

I've an issue with copy command I'm using in my script. The command syntax is correct (to the best of my knowledge) but this command displays the error of "Path not found"; although the path is present, the file is also present. Not sure what the issue is. My command:

if exist D:\CDDATA\LIP\APin.dat* (copy D:\CDDATA\LIP\APin.dat* "D:\CDDATA\LIP\Temp\Apconf.dat") else goto exit12

I tried using xcopy instead but it waits for an input while running:

Does D:\CDDATA\LIP\Temp\Apconf.dat specify a file name
or directory name on the target
(F = file, D = directory)? 

Tried to suppress it using /C but won't work. Any suggestions??

Thanks in advance, Adil


copy /y D:\CDDATA\LIP\APin.dat D:\CDDATA\LIP\Temp\Apconf.dat


mkdir "D:\CDDATA\LIP\Temp\"
xcopy "D:\CDDATA\LIP\APin.dat" "D:\CDDATA\LIP\Temp\Apconf.dat"/Y/H/v/s

Try making the directory FIRST in xcopy THEN copying the files. That works for me.

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