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Errors in Unity3d

Here are the errors I'm getting in the Unity console:

Assets/leavingPlayableAreaScript.cs(16,74): error CS1729: The type 'UnityEngine.Rect' does not contain a constructor that takes '3' arguments

Assets/leavingPlayableAreaScript.cs(16,21): error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for `UnityEngine.GUI.DrawTexture(UnityEngine.Rect, UnityEngine.Texture)' has some invalid arguments

Assets/leavingPlayableAreaScript.cs(16,21): error CS1503: Argument '#1' cannot convert 'object' expression to type 'UnityEngine.Rect'

Here is my code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class leavingPlayableAreaScript : MonoBehaviour
    public GUIStyle Stylesheet;
    public bool inTrigger;

    void Update () {

    void OnGUI()
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((Screen.width/2) -600, 500, 800), Stylesheet);

The error is self-explanatory.

The type 'UnityEngine.Rect' does not contain a constructor that takes '3' arguments.

You're missing an argument:

Rect(left: float, top: float, width: float, height: float)


Here's a proper example from documentation:

// Draws a texture on the screen at 10, 10 with 100 width, 100 height.
var aTexture : Texture;
function OnGUI() {
        Graphics.DrawTexture(Rect(10, 10, 100, 100), aTexture);


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