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UrlGenerationError for login page Rails 4.1

I am trying to create a login page. I am following this guide . However I have gotten stuck with the following error when trying to access my sessions/login page. I am using Rails 4.1. I looked at other answers for questions similar to this on SO but I was unable to find anything that seemed to relate. This was my error:

ActionController::UrlGenerationError in Sessions#login
No route matches {:action=>"login_attempt", :controller=>"sessions"}

And the line that is highlighted is:

    <%= form_tag(:action => 'login_attempt') do %>

This is my login page template:

<% @page_title = "Foos-Tracker | Login" -%>
<div class= "Sign_Form">
  <h1>Log in</h1>
  <%= form_tag(:action => 'login_attempt') do %>
    <p>Username or Email:</br> <%= text_field_tag(:username_or_email) %></p>
    <p>Password:</br> <%= password_field_tag :login_password %></p>
    <%= submit_tag("Log In") %>
  <% end %>

My Controller:

class SessionsController < ApplicationController
  before_filter :authenticate_user, :only => [:home, :profile, :setting]
  before_filter :save_login_state, :only => [:login, :login_attempt]

  def login
    #Login Form

  def login_attempt
    authorized_user = User.authenticate(params[:username_or_email],params[:login_password])
    if authorized_user
      session[:user_id] = authorized_user.id
      flash[:notice] = "Wow Welcome again, you logged in as #{authorized_user.username}"
      redirect_to(:action => 'home')
      flash[:notice] = "Invalid Username or Password"
      flash[:color]= "invalid"
      render "login"


And my routes:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  get 'sessions/login'
  get 'sessions/home'
  get 'sessions/profile'
  get 'sessions/setting'
  get 'welcome/index'
  get 'users/new'

  resources :users

  root 'welcome#index'


Any ideas / help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

将您的路由从login更改为login_attempt ,如果您已经定义了login操作,则添加另一个名称为login_attempt路由

It looks like the answer is that :action isn't the correct syntax anymore. Had to change it to :method

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