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How to change client side javascript 's variable from server side?

I took inspiration from a code of a login page from a certain website. I find a function which I do not know how to implement.

That login page uses two input controls in a form to gather username and password:

<form method="post" runat="server" action="myLogin.aspx">

    <input type="text" class="us_name" name="txtUserName" id="txtUserName" value="" />

    <input type="password" class="us_pwd" name="txtPassword" id="txtPassword" value="" />

and in that page, I also find some JQuery code like this:

 <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
     $(document).ready(function () {
         var error = 0;
         if (error > 0) {
             switch (error) {
                 case 1:
                     $("#ListMsg").html("username and pwd can not be empty");
                 case 2:
                     $("#ListMsg").html("Pic code can not be empty");
                 case 3:
                     $("#ListMsg").html("Pic code err");
                 case 36006:
                     $("#ListMsg").html("username err");
                 case 36007:
                     $("#ListMsg").html("password err");
                 case 20012:
                     $("#ListMsg").html("account is lock");
                 case 10007:
                     $("#ListMsg").html("can not access");
                     $("#ListMsg").html("username or password err");

It seems that above code is to display error message when login fails, but please notice this statement:

    var error = 0;

When I type a wrong password and view page source, I find it has automatically changed to :

    var error = 36007;

I guess this variable must be changed by server side code when login fails and use it to indicate fail reason. But I do not know how server can set client side JQuery variable's value, can anybody give me an example?

you can use ajax to facilitate communication between your script and php server without changing the page. when user clicks login button, you can send his/her input values as an ajax post. consider the following example:

$( '#btn-login' ).click( function () {
          url: "your.server.address/function_that_sends_those_codes",
          data: {
                    userID: $( '#txtUserName' ).val(),
                    pwd: $( '#txtPassword' ).val()
          type: 'POST',
          dataType: 'JSON',

          success: function ( response ) {
                                    error = response.errCode; //or whatever your server
          error: function ( errorMsg ) {
                                    console.log( errorMsg );

in your php code, you retrieve data sent using $_POST[ 'userID' ] and $_POST[ 'pwd' ] . you calculate your code by interacting with database, and you do this:

echo json_encode( array( yourErrorCode ) );

'yourErrorCode' is sent as 'response' to your 'success' callback function. you can view the response received, or any error thrown, in the console of your browser.

happy coding :)

To set javascript variable from code behind you can register a client script . like this:

 ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "", "error = 36007;", true);

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