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How to remove route in ZF2?

I've installed the following modules into my ZF2-Application: ZfcUser , ZfCAdmin and ZfcUserlist . Though my problem is more general, I just want to make clear what I am trying to do.

The zfcadmin -route is /admin . The zfcuser -route is /user . The ZfcUserlist-modules is shipped with a child-route for zfcuser , is named zfcuserlist and points to /user/list .

Instead of /user/list I want to call the user list by /admin/user . That of course is no problem, I just registered a child-route for zfcadmin .

Now I want to remove the default route for the user list which is shipped with the module. So my question is: How can I unregister/remove a certain route within ZF2?

To clear things up, I've got the following paths:

/admin/user   <- I added this one
/user/list    <- This comes shipped with the ZfcUserlist-module. I want to remove it

Any suggestions?

To achieve what you want you need this in Module.php :

namespace Foo;

use Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleEvent;
use Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleManager;

class Module
    public function init(ModuleManager $moduleManager)
        $events = $moduleManager->getEventManager();

        // Registering a listener at default priority, 1, which will trigger
        // after the ConfigListener merges config.
        $events->attach(ModuleEvent::EVENT_MERGE_CONFIG, array($this, 'onMergeConfig'));

    public function onMergeConfig(ModuleEvent $e)
        $configListener = $e->getConfigListener();
        $config         = $configListener->getMergedConfig(false);

        // Modify the configuration; here, we'll remove a specific key:
        if (isset($config['router']['routes']['your_route'])) {

        // Pass the changed configuration back to the listener:

It is just example. You need to change yout_route to that part of array, which represents /user/list .


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