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How to append an <i> tag to an <a> tag using jquery

I am trying to append an tag for an icon to an tag using JQuery.

This is the code for how I am trying to append it:

$loginLink = $('ul.nav li:eq(2) a');
$loginLink.append("<i class='icon -login' aria-hidden='true'></i>");

For some reason, it does not work :(

JQuery is new to me so any help will be greatly appreciated.


Here you have a working fiddle :


<ul class="nav">
    <li><a>list item 1</a></li>
    <li><a>list item 2</a></li>
    <li><a>list item 3</a></li>
    <li><a>list item 4</a></li>
    <li><a>list item 5</a></li>

$loginLink = $('ul.nav li:eq(2) a');
$loginLink.append("<i class='icon -login' aria-hidden='true'>HERE</i>");

Try to do something like this:

 $loginLink = $('ul.nav li:eq(2) a');
 $($loginLink).append("<i class='icon -login' aria-hidden='true'></i>");

This should work.

Try this :

$loginLink = $('ul.nav li:eq(2) a');
alert($loginLink.length); // must be different from 0 (just to be sure your selector is matching a dom element)

$newElement = $("<i>").html("myText")
                      .addClass("-login") ;

The point is to create a new dom element using $newElement = $('<i>') . After that you add properties and class as you want. Finally, you append it to the container $loginLink .

Creating a new element let you remove it later if you need :

$newElement.detach(); // detach from dom, but still existing and can be re-appended.


$newElement.remove(); // detach and delete the element.

EDIT : you can also use the short method :


Are the

  • tags previously dynamically generated ? What fire the actions ?

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