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Why isn't my AJAX code working?

I believe this should be pretty trivial, but I cannot figure it out at all. I am doing a small test with sending an AJAX request, and echoing a variable extracted from a drop-down menu.

However, it doesn't seem to be executing whatsoever. I was wondering if someone could help me point out what's wrong?

Here are the relevant snippets from index.php :


    //create a drop down of available accounts
                echo 'Available Accounts: ';

                echo '<select name=dropAccounts class=dropAccounts>';
                //if there is at least one account available
                if (count($accsAvailable) > 0) {
                    echo '<option value=0>---Select an account---</option>'; //default option
                    foreach ($accsAvailable as $account) {
                        //populate from API
                        echo '<option value=' . $account->getId() . '>' . $account->getName() . '</option>';
                } else {
                echo '<option value=0>---No accounts---</option>'; //else if no accounts exist
            echo '</select>';

            //for available webproperties
            echo '<br> Available Webproperties: ';
            echo '<select name=dropProperties class=dropProperties>';
            echo '<option selected=selected>---Select a webproperty---</option>';
            echo '</select>';


The important thing to take away from the snippet is that the first drop-down menu is called 'dropAccounts'.

here is my JS script for handling an onchange event on 'dropAccounts':

<script type="text/javascript">
            var id=$(this).val();
            var dataString = 'id='+ id;

                type: "POST",
                url: "propertyID.php",
                data: dataString,
                cache: false,
                success: function(html)



I eventually intend to populate the second drop-down menu 'dropProperties' using the value grabbed from 'dropAccounts' but it's not even echoing in my PHP script.

propertyID.php :


    $accountID = $_POST['id'];
    echo $accountID;


I was following the tutorial found here: http://www.9lessons.info/2010/08/dynamic-dependent-select-box-using.html

According to what I see the problem is the following:

var dataString = 'id='+ id;
data: dataString

You need to send the data in the following way;

data : {
         'id' : id

And it should send you the data in the correct format.

EDIT: I'm adding this to clarify how your code would look.

<script type="text/javascript">
            var id=$(this).val();

                type: "POST",
                url: "propertyID.php",
                data: {
                         'id' : id
                cache: false,
                success: function(html)



your generated html is not valid. every class and name should be inside quotes.

Change your index.php

like this:



    //create a drop down of available accounts
    echo 'Available Accounts: ';

    echo '<select name="dropAccounts" class="dropAccounts">';
    //if there is at least one account available
    if (count($accsAvailable) > 0) {
        echo '<option value="0">---Select an account---</option>'; //default option
        foreach ($accsAvailable as $account) {
            //populate from API
            echo '<option value="' . $account->getId() . '">' . $account->getName() . '</option>';
    } else {
        echo '<option value="0">---No accounts---</option>'; //else if no accounts exist
    echo '</select>';

    //for available webproperties
    echo '<br> Available Webproperties: ';
    echo '<select name="dropProperties" class="dropProperties">';
    echo '<option selected=selected>---Select a webproperty---</option>';
    echo '</select>';



you should append in the ajax success callback:


There are a couple of issues here!

For the sake of legibility and syntax highlighting (not to mention that it will draw awareness to your mistakes) you should use direct html output instead of echoing it with php.

Instead of

echo '<select name=dropAccounts class=dropAccounts>';


//End php parsing with a closing php tag
<select name=dropAccounts class=dropAccounts> 
//Resume php parsing

This draws attention to the fact that you're not surrounding your attribute values with quotes

Instead of

<select name=dropAccounts class=dropAccounts>

It's important that you quote the attribute:

<select name="dropAccounts" class="dropAccounts">

The next thing is that you're trying to insert the server's output (a raw STRING) into a select element with this code:

success: function(html) {

I believe this is what you want instead:

success: function(html) {
    var newOption = $('<option value="' + html + '">' + html + '</option>');

According to html specification, only option elements should be the children of select elements. In order to add a string into the select element, my code is creating a new option element, making its text the "html" string, and inserting that option element into the select element.

Hope this helps!

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