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how to implement ccavenue in ruby

Can anyone help me. i want to integrate ccavenue in my project i used ccavenue code but i got some error "undefined method `id' for nil:NilClass" at orderID = @transaction.id.to_s.. this is my code.

In application.helper -->

 def verifyChecksum( merchantID,  orderID,  amount,  authDesc,  workingKey,  checksum) 
 String str = merchantID+"|"+orderID+"|"+amount+"|"+authDesc+"|"+workingKey
 String newChecksum = Zlib::adler32(str).to_s
 return (newChecksum.eql?(checksum)) ? true : false

 def getChecksum( merchantID,  orderID,  amount,  redirectUrl,  workingKey)
 String str = merchantID + "|" + orderID + "|" + amount + "|" + redirectUrl + "|" + workingKey;
 return Zlib::adler32(str)

In Controller -->

 def index

orderID = @transaction.id.to_s

amount = @transaction.total_amount.to_s

redirectURL = "http://www.dealbuddie.com/transactions/"+@transaction.id.to_s+"/ccavenue_redirect"

checksum = getChecksum(CCAVENUE_MERCHANT_ID, orderID, amount, redirectURL, CCAVENUE_WORKING_KEY)

  @ccaRequest = 






















  Dir.chdir("#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/jars/") do

  @encRequest = %x[java -jar ccavutil.jar #{CCAVENUE_WORKING_KEY} "#{@ccaRequest}" enc]



and action in controller -->

 def ccavenue_redirect

@encResponse = params[:encResponse]

@checksum = false

@authDesc = false

@p = nil

@ccaResponse = nil

if (params[:encResponse])

        if @encResponse

    Dir.chdir("#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/jars/") do

           @ccaResponse = %x[java -jar ravi-ccavutil.jar #{CCAVENUE_WORKING_KEY} "#{@encResponse}" dec]


    @p = Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query @ccaResponse

    if (!@p.nil? && @p["Merchant_Id"] && @p["Order_Id"] && @p["Amount"] && @p["AuthDesc"] && @p["Checksum"])

      @checksum = verifyChecksum(@p["Merchant_Id"], @p["Order_Id"], @p["Amount"], @p["AuthDesc"], CCAVENUE_WORKING_KEY, @p["Checksum"])

      @authDesc = @p["AuthDesc"].eql?("Y") ? true : false



  if @checksum && @authDesc 

    transaction = Transaction.find(@p["Order_Id"])

    transaction.payment_confirmed = true


    message = current_buyer.user.name + "! Thank you for your order! It will soon be at your doorsteps!" 

    redirect_to root_path, :flash => {:success => message}


    if !@authDesc

      message = current_buyer.user.name + "! Your bank did not authorize the transaction. Please go to Settings > My Orders page, and click on 'Pay Now' button to finish your transaction" 

      redirect_to root_path, :flash => {:error => message}


      message = current_buyer.user.name + "! Oops! There was some error in retrieving your transaction confirmation. Please drop us an email at dealbuddie@dealbuddie.com for order confirmation."

      redirect_to root_path, :flash => {:error => message}




  message = current_buyer.user.name + "! Oops! Something went wrong while processing your request. Please go to Settings > My Orders page, and click on 'Pay Now' button to finish your transaction."

  redirect_to root_path, :flash => {:success => message}



I got error in this "undefined method `id' for nil:NilClass" at orderID = @transaction.id.to_s

got help from this link -- http://dealbuddie.tumblr.com/post/56908130601/integrating-ccavenue-with-ruby-on-rails-site

please guide me how can i correct this code..

try this out:

by searching over rubytoolbox 2 gems got listed

1> active_merchant_ccavenue

2> ccavenue

out of these ccavenue seems to be good, try using it.

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