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Uploading to a folder other than root in Dropbox with SharpBox

I am having a problem to upload to any folder other than root in Dropbox using SharpBox. I can upload using this path var publicFolder = dropBoxStorage.GetFolder("/"); , but not to folder created in root, such as "/MyFolder". I can enumerate files using this path var publicFolder = dropBoxStorage.GetFolder("/MyFolder"); , but not upload there. Exception says: not authorized. How do I assign permissions to folders in root or is the problem in the app permissions? I appreciate any help.


  1. Created account
  2. Created app on Dropbox with Full dropbox access
  3. Created console application in C#
  4. Installed Sharpbox using NuGet
  5. Generated token using keys provided by the app
  6. Coded

Here is the code:

        CloudStorage dropBoxStorage = new CloudStorage();

        var dropBoxConfig = CloudStorage.GetCloudConfigurationEasy(nSupportedCloudConfigurations.DropBox);

        ICloudStorageAccessToken accessToken = null;

        // load security token from file
        using (FileStream stream = File.Open(@"<<token file location>>", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None))
            accessToken = dropBoxStorage.DeserializeSecurityToken(stream);

        // open connection 
        var storageToken = dropBoxStorage.Open(dropBoxConfig, accessToken);

        var publicFolder = dropBoxStorage.GetFolder("/MyFolder"); 

        //upload file
        dropBoxStorage.UploadFile("<<source path>>", publicFolder);


将.NET Framework从4.5更改为4解决了我的问题。

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